October 9, 1909 in Hédervár, Hungary
Died: June 16, 1996 in South Bend, Indiana
Maker, Bendix Corporation
Married: Katherine Marie Nemeth on July 22, 1933 in South Bend,
George, born June 7, 1941
Kathleen Ann, born June 28, 1945
Kish was born Dénes Kiss on October 9, 1909 to József
Kiss and Julianna (Kocsis) in the village of Hédervár
(Györ county), Hungary near the Danube river and Hungary's
present day border with Slovakia. Dennis was named after patron
saint Denis, who was martyred around 250 AD.
Dennis was a year old, his father left Hungary for the United
States. József departed from Havre, France on June 25, 1910,
sailing on the ship La Provence and arrived at Ellis Island, New
York on July 2, 1910. His indicated his final destination as Canton,
is not known why József left Hungary or why he left his family

Dennis Kish , circa 1939
behind. He may have left to avoid fighting in the first World War
or to find work.
József was gone, Dennis lived with his mother and her
family. In 1911, Julianna left Hungary to join József, leaving
Dennis with his Uncle János Kocsis and Aunt Albina
(Francz). She departed from Havre, France on April 1, 1911 sailing
on the ship La Bretagne and arrived at Ellis Island, New York on
April 11, 1911. She indicated Harris, Pennsylvania as her final
destination. The status of József and Julianna's relationship
at this time is not known. Her final destination of Pennsylvania
may indicate that they were separated or divorced and she may have
come to the United States to find József and attempt to reconcile
their differences. By
October of 1911, József and Julianna were together again
in Canton, Ohio and Julianna was pregnant with Dennis' brother
Joseph John.
1913, Dennis joined his parents and his newly born brother
Joseph (born July 15, 1912) in the United States. He left Hungary
with his Aunt Albina (Francz) Kocsis and her children János
and Mariska. They departed on March 22, 1913 from Rotterdam on the
S.S. Noordam and arrived at Ellis Island, New York on April 4, 1913.
Their final destination was Alliance, Ohio.
July 16, 1917, József and Julianna applied for a marriage
license in Stark County, Ohio and were remarried. By 1920, József
had obtained a job in Alliance, Ohio working for the Railroad repairing
wooden railroad cars. Dennis, completed the 6th grade but had to
drop out of school to work and help support the family. His younger
brother Joe stayed in school. The family lived in Canton, Ohio area
for approximately the next ten years. Little is known about this
period of time. By the end of 1926, tragedy would strike and change
the family forever.
December 30, 1926, József had Julianna committed to the Massillon
State Hospital for the Insane. The circumstances surrounding
this are unclear, however it is believed that Julianna was a victim
of domestic violence which left her mentally impaired and unable
to care for her children. Julianna would remain in the custody of
the hospital for the next forty years until her death in 1966.
and parents, 1910

circa 1912

John, Joszef and Dennis,
circa 1915

L to R: Joseph John, Benedict, Dennis, Julianna, and Joszef Kiss
circa 1917
and family, circa 1920

Alliance, OH Elem. School
7th Grade, 1922
Dennis Kish, 2nd from left, front row

Dennis and family, circa 1925
Dennis moves to South Bend
During 1927, József, Dennis and Joseph moved to South Bend,
Indiana where József took a job with the Studebaker Corporation.
the stock market crashed in 1929 and the great depression started,
Dennis got a job selling bananas from a cart on the streets of South
Bend. During this time, he also obtained a Chaueffer's license which
enabled him to drive a truck and deliver the bananas. It is believed
that he travelled to Chicago where the bananas arrived by Cargo
ship from South America to pick up the bananas and deliver them
back to South Bend. Around this time, Dennis' bank failed and Dennis
lost all of the money he had deposited. To the day he died, Dennis
distrusted banks. After his death, the family found nearly $65,000
dollars in cash hidden throughout his house.
this time, Dennis went to live with George Nemeth and his family,
distant relatives from Hédervár, Hungary. In
1933, Dennis got a job at Studebaker.
and Uncle Benedict,
circa 1927
marries Katherine Nemeth
The Nemeths lived on Meade Street. It is here that Dennis met George
Nemeth's daugther, Katherine. They began dating and on July 22,
1933, Dennis and Katherine were married in St.
Stevens Church in South Bend.
of Dennis George and Kathleen
In 1937, Dennis took a job at Bendix Corporation, a manufacturer
of aircraft and automobile parts. He would work there until his
retirement in 1975. In 1941, Dennis and Katherine built a new home
at 2174 Parkview Place and on June 7, 1941, they had their first
child, Dennis George. On June 28, 1945, Dennis' second child, Kathleen
Ann, was born.
July, Bendix would close down and Dennis would take his family on
vacation throughout the US. They would pack an ice chest with lunch,
eat on the road, drive until around 4PM and then check into a hotel.
The kids would swim in the swimming pool. They travelled all over
the USA and Canada, including Banff National Park, Alberta, Nova
Scotia, Quebec, Daytona Beach, FL, Acadia, ME, Niagra Falls, Galveston,
TX, the Wisconsin Dells (rapids on the WI river),the Smokey Mountains,
Cherokee NC, Georgia, and Minnesota, to name a few.
1955, Dennis built a dormer addition on the house which added two
rooms to the upstairs. Dennis did most of the finish work himself,
including installing knotty pine tongue and groove paneling, electrical,
1959, Dennis Jr. graduated from South Bend Central High School and
was accepted to the General Motors Institute school of Engineering.
Dennis moved out of the house to attend college in Flint, Michigan.
1961, Dennis' Father in Law, George Nemeth passed away and Katherine's
mother, Agnes moved in with the family. She would live with the
family until her death in 1974.
in Law and Grandfather
On August 2, 1962, Dennis became a Father-in-law when Dennis Jr.
married Dian Elizabeth Parks of Flint, Michigan. In the Spring of
1963, Kathy graduated from South Bend Central High and was accepted
into Nursing School at Marquette University. That same Spring, Dennis'
first grandson, Dennis George Kish III was born on April 18 in Flint,
Michigan. In the fall, Kathy moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to attend
October 3, 1964, Dennis' second grandson, David Lee Kish, was born.
graduated from GMI in 1964
Kathy graduated from Marquette in 1967 and received her masters
in Nursing in 1975.
January 30, 1967, Dennis' third grandchild was born, Darcy Louise
Kish. Around this time, Dennis' father moved into the house where
he lived for nearly ten years before moving to a nursing home until
his death in 1977.
1969, Dennis was divorced and in 1972 he married Marcia Jane Fick
of Linden, Michigan.
Is... A Retired Kish
In 1975, Dennis retired from Bendix after 38 years of service. Around
this time, his daughter Kathleen
moved home to take a job at St. Mary's College as Asst. Professor
teaching Nursing.
years of marriage
1983 50th wedding anniversary.
Jordan Alexander Kish, 1980
Granddaughter Stefanee Breann Kish, 1983
died on Father's day in 1996. Cardio miopothy.
In Carmel, IN for a corneal transplant. Fuch's distrophy (corneal
liked to watch football on TV. He enjoyed watching the Green Bay
Packers and Chicago Bears and Notre Dame, of course. He also enjoyed
smoking cigars. El Producto Puritano Finos and Coronas were his
favorites. He also was certified TV repair man. He taught himself
about TV's by reading books and manuals. He repaired TV's for family
and friends mostly as a hobby until the advent of color television
when it became too expensive for tools and parts.

Wedding Day, July 22, 1933


Dennis, circa 1937

Dennis and Dennis Jr.,
Aug. 1941

Kate and Dennis Jr.,
Aug. 1941
and Kathy, circa 1946
Kish family, circa 1953

on the new dormer, 1955

circa late 50's.
Card, 1959

on TV's, circa 1950's

work in the basement, circa 1962
George's Wedding,
Aug. 2, 1962: Dennis Kish, Virginia Parks, Paul Parks, Kate Kish,
Dennis Kish, Ralph Vliet
Anniversary, 1983