
György Német and Agnés Mészáros
Family Photos

György Német circa 1896
György, Agnés & Katherine Német, 1910
Katherine Marie Nemeth, 1910
Katherine Marie Nemeth, 1911
Katherine Marie Nemeth, 1911
Katherine Marie Nemeth, 1911
Passport photo taken in Hungary before returning to US Spring 1921
George, Katherine, Agnes & Frank Nemeth
Katherine Marie Nemeth, circa 1923
Kate, George & Frank Nemeth,
circa 1924
Mary (Mészáros) Hartai & Katherine Marie Nemeth, circa 1925
Katherine Nemeth (2nd from left) and Notre Dame co-workers, circa 1928
Frank, Katherine & George Nemeth, circa 1928
Kate Nemeth, Joe Kiss
Frank & George Nemeth
George Nemeth, Joe Kiss, Kate Nemeth
George and Agnes Nemeth
Agnes Nemeth
Agnes & George Nemeth
George Nemeth, Agnes Nemeth, Kate Kish, George & George Nemeth, Jr.
Pista Farago, Agnes Nemeth, Sari Farago, George Nemeth, Hermione & Steve Nemeth

Back: Agnes Nemeth, Francine Nemeth, Dennis Kish, George Nemeth, Bill Nemeth
Front: Kathleen Nemeth, Kathy Kish, Nancy Nemeth

Frank Nemeth, Agnes Nemeth, Kate Kish, George Nemeth, George Nemeth
Kathy Kish, George Nemeth, Kate Kish, Shirley Nemeth, Nancy Nemeth, Agnes Nemeth
Agnes & George Nemeth
Standing: George, Bill, Eleanor Nemeth, Dennis & Kate Kish

Seated: Dennis, Kathy Kish; Agnes, Nancy & George Nemeth
Nancy & Eleanor Nemeth, Kathy, Dennis, Kate & Dennis Kish; Agnes & George Nemeth, Joe Kiss

Front: Shirley & George Nemeth
Kate Kish, George & Agnes Nemeth
George Nemeth, 1961
Eleanor (Jones) Nemeth & George Nemeth
Kathy Kish & Nancy Nemeth
2106 Parkview Place

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